Goals of course: Better understanding on children's upbringings and how that effects adulthood. As well as pharmacology.
P - population I - intervention C - control group/comparator O - outcome
("child abuse" OR "child neglect" OR "adolescent violence") AND (CPS OR adoption) AND (substance use OR alcohol OR methamphetamines OR "externalizing disorder")
in the above example we used PICO methodology
P = "child abuse" OR "child neglect" OR "adolescent violence"
I = (CPS OR adoption)
C = no comparator given as there didn't seem to be a clear comparator we could use
O = (substance use OR alcohol OR methamphetamines OR ...)
Two explanatory models for pharmacology:
- Theory
- Empirical
JAMA Evidence podcast: Gordon Guyatt discussing theory of EBM go to 12:20 into the podcast.