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Pubmed Tags

In pubmed text box you can use these tags. For example you can search for articles by Pliszka in 2018 with the following "pliszka[au] 2018[dp]". You can look for articles in lancet with "lancet[ta]".

  • - Affiliation [AD]
  • - All Fields [ALL]
  • - Author [AU]
  • - Entry Date [EDAT]
  • - First Author Name [1AU]
  • - Full Author Name [FAU]
  • - Issue [IP]
  • - Journal [TA]
  • - Language [LA]
  • - Last Author Name [LASTAU]
  • - MeSH Major Topic [MAJR]
  • - MeSH Subheadings [SH]
  • - MeSH Terms [MH]
  • - Modification Date [LR]
  • - NLM Unique ID [JID]
  • - Place of Publication [PL]
  • - PMID [PMID]
  • - Publication Date [DP]
  • - Publication Type [PT] = review, clinical trial. full list
  • - Publisher [PUBN]
  • - Text Words [TW]
  • - Title [TI]
  • - Title/Abstract [TIAB]
  • - Transliterated Title [TT]
ebm/pubmedtags.txt · Last modified: by dhawann