# How to view patients follow up date/time/location.
- click "Encounter" at top of epic page
- Search patient by first and last name or MRN.
- Select patient chart for the admission date in question. (select most recent inpatient encounter with either Dr. Dhawan or Dr. Ogburn listed as provider).
- Once in patients chart, select "Chart Review" tab.
- On the tab list within "chart review", select the "Media" tab.
- Select "After Visit Summary-Discharge to home" note.
- Scroll through document in search of "follow up information." This will show the patients follow up appointments.
# How to open telephone encounter note
- 1. Click "Encounter" at the top of Epic screen
- Find and select patient using MRN or first/last name.
- Click "New" once prompted to select patient encounter.
- Type "Telephone" and open encounter.
# Telephone Encounter Follow Up. (dot phrase = .research)
- Brief notes on how the patient has been doing. Ask how they are doing since the time of their discharge?
- Patient DID / DID NOT make follow up appointment. Reason?
- Patient HAS / HAS NOT been medication compliant. Reason?