Created: 2020-08-11 Tue 15:14
"Probable cause is a requirement found in the Fourth Amendment that must usually be met before police make an arrest, conduct a search, or receive a warrant. Courts usually find probable cause when there is a reasonable basis for believing that a crime may have been committed (for an arrest) or when evidence of the crime is present in the place to be searched (for a search)."
"… probable cause can also justify a warrantless search or seizure. Persons arrested without a warrant are required to be brought before a competent authority shortly after the arrest for a prompt judicial determination of probable cause."
"Under the preponderance standard, the burden of proof is met when the party with the burden convinces the fact finder that there is a greater than 50% chance that the claim is true. This is the burden of proof in a civil trial."
"According to the Supreme Court in Colorado v. New Mexico, 467 U.S. 310 (1984), "clear and convincing" means that the evidence is highly and substantially more likely to be true than untrue; the fact finder must be convinced that the contention is highly probable."
"Beyond a reasonable doubt is the legal burden of proof required to affirm a conviction in a criminal case."
"…care managers were asked to provide feedback regarding the program and the main challenges they faced during implementation. These comments (n=178) were grouped into five general categories:
(1) patient nonadherence, lack of motivation, poor engagement and difficulty in reaching patients as the main challenge (24.7% of all comments); (2) lack of time to accomplish all the tasks necessary to care for these complex patients (15.7%); (3) lack of engagement of the primary care team, psychiatry and the health care system in support of the COMPASS team (15.7%); (4) difficulties with enrolling the targeted sample (12.9%); and (5) the high burden of documentation and the ineffectiveness of the CMTS for patient management and tracking (11.2%)."
"The Simpson Angus Scale (SAS; Hawley et al., 2003) is a performance scale that measures drug-induced parkinsonism symptoms. " -
"EEG changes in encephalopathies are similar, whether the cause is septic, metabolic, toxic, or structural. There is a progressive increase in slow wave activities, the degree of which parallels the severity of brain dysfunction. "
In mild encephalopathic states, slowing of normal alpha (α) rhythms occurs, and with more severe encephalopathy, the appearance of theta (θ) and continuous or non-continuous delta (δ) activities. A variety of additional EEG patterns can be seen, such as frontal intermittent rhythmic delta (FIRDA), periodic lateralised or bilateral epileptiform discharges (PEDs, BIPEDs), and triphasic waves.
None of these patterns is specific to a particular pathophysiological process or diagnosis, but PEDs are most likely to occur in acute or subacute focal destructive pathologies or focal epileptogenic lesions; triphasic waves are typically found in metabolic encephalopathies; and some patients with mesial fronto-parietal lesions or third ventricle tumours show FIRDA in their EEG."
NIMH site:
This means telling the truth which is apparently an ethical principle.
From our very own IRB website:
The researchers have taken steps to minimize the known or expected risks. However, you may still experience problems or side effects, even though the researchers are careful to avoid them. In the event of a research-related injury or if you experience an adverse reaction, please immediately contact your study doctor. See the section "Contact Information" for phone numbers and additional information. You may also need to tell your regular doctors.
If you are injured or made sick from taking part in this research study, medical care will be provided. This care may be billed to you or your insurance. Depending on the circumstances, this care may be provided at no cost to you. We have no plans to give you money if you are injured. The investigator can provide you with more information.
If you sign this form, you do not give up your right to seek additional compensation if you are harmed as a result of being in this study.
lithium is old. it's a natural element. it cannot be patented and is therefore incompatible with the US healthcare system.
Switch to methadone which has better analgesic effect.
Regression analysis Survival - Survival analysis is a branch of statistics for analyzing the expected duration of time until one or more events happen, such as death in biological organisms Odds Ratio - An odds ratio (OR) is the T test - test between two continous variables. Relative risk
this is because people who take antidepressants likely have differences in terms of diseases, etc compared to "healthy controls" who don't take antidepressants.
effect size
Reliability refers to how consistent or repeatable measurements are. There are three primary approaches to measuring reliability, each useful in particular contexts and each having particular advantages and disadvantages:
Also known as test-retest reliability. This is a measure of stability over time (temporal stability). If you test twice are the results the same with the assumption that the value has not changed.
Also known as parallel forms reliability. This refers to how similar results from different versions of a test are.
\quote{ a pool of items believed to be homogeneous is created, then half the items are allocated to form A and half to form B. If the two (or more) forms of the test are administered to the same people on the same occasion, the correlation between the scores received on each form is an estimate of multiple-forms reliability. This correlation is sometimes called the coefficient of equivalence.}[pg 11]. You make questions to measure how well someone knows a subject. You then split the questions into test \(A\) and test \(B\). Then you give test \(A\) and test \(B\) to the students. The correlation between these scores is called the coefficient of equivalence.
This tests how reliable all the elements of the test are testing the same thing or the same construct. This is complicated to measure. You need to look at the inter-item correlation between different items in the test. If correlations are high then it is said to have high internal consistency reliability. Split half-reliability can measure internal consistency reliability, but each question must be homogenous. That means that each question in a test, for example, is of the same difficulty. You can overcome the need for homogenity by using cronbach's alpha.
To calculate this, take the correlation between each item. Then you take an average of them.
To calculate this, add up scores on each individual item. Then determine how well they correlate with the total. Then you average all those correlations.
Validity is how well a test measures what it is supposed to measure. In this book she discusses four types of validity, content validity, construct validity, concurrent validity, and predictive validity.
This refers to how well the test measures all aspects of the domain of interest.
Similar to content validity. Does the test seem valid to a member of the general public or by someone who is evaluated by the test. If a test doesn't appear to be testing what it is supposed to test, then the person taking the test might not be motivated to answer well.
How well can inferences from a measurement predict a behavior or a performance.
How well can scores from a measurement predict an event in the future.
Also with clozapine
give olanzapine for many reasons.
Lamotrigine in pregnancy
"Mechanisms include increased gastric acid secretion and inhibition of serotonin entrance into platelets."